Sunday 24 April 2011

The trashed bus shelter on Salterton Rd, near hospital corner, has had it's glass replaced promptly and with glass that matches. Well done Street Scene. Of course it only serves to emphasise what an abberration the new bus shelter in The Strand has been. If the relevant people know the style of our bus shelters then how come whoever rushed this through was not aware?
The whole Strand business is very sad. Started as a well meaning desire to freshen up the centre of the town, had a disjointed and short-circuited consultation process, and then work started apparently by stealth before the consultation and planning process had completed before having a belated planning application for a large commercial building pushed through against the wishes of many residents. And now of course applications for referenda that don't necessarily cover all points of view.
I can't find anyone who can suggest an acceptable reason for not completing the planning and having the whole approved or at least debated before starting. Why was this done? There is certainly a sense of being misled when the trees were cut down, the first stage of the work.
Was it arrogance? We'll do this because we want to, after paying lip service to consultation. Or did someone have an agenda? Creating a fait accompli in anticipation of objections to aspects of the building plans. Or were those responsible just too dull to anticipate how this would look?
Is it possible that this was done in a hurry, perhaps as perceived appeasement or compensation to the community over being so badly let down by our representatives over the Rolle College fiasco. It's not the only project that's been rushed through and then listed as an achievement for electoral gain.

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